A list of useful gcloud, gsutil, and kubectl commands for using Google Cloud Platforms. These will be continuously updated as I come across more commands. Make sure a Google Cloud project is already set up and billing is enabled.

Manage GCP configurations

  • List Cloud SDK properties: gcloud config list
  • Set a Cloud SDK property: gcloud config set
  • Unset a Cloud SDK property: gcloud config unset

Manage GCP projects

  • Create new project: gcloud projects create <project_id>
  • List accessible projects: gcloud projects list
  • Get project metadata: gcloud projects describe <project_id>
  • Update project name: gcloud projects update <project_id> --name=<new-name>
  • Delete project: gcloud projects delete <project_id>


GCP Cloud Storage

  1. Make bucket: gsutil mb gs://<bucket-name>
  2. Move/rename objects: gsutil mv gs://<bucket-name>/<object-name>
  3. Copy data between local file system and cloud: gsutil cp <src-url> <dst-url>
  4. Remove object: gsutil rm gs://<bucket-name>/<object-name>
  5. Remove bucket: gsutil rb gs://<bucket-name> (bucket must be empty)


  • List buckets: gsutil ls gs://<bucket-name>
  • List all objects in a bucket: gsutil ls -r gs://<bucket-name>/** (ref)

GCP Compute Engine instance

Can also be used to start AI Platform Notebooks JupyterLab environment (an updated version of Datalab with end-to-end ML dev)

  1. Create instance: gcloud compute instances create <instance-name>
  2. Start instance: gcloud compute instances start <instance-name>
  3. Send file to instance: gcloud compute scp --recurse ~/<local-directory> <instance-name>:~/
  4. Stop instance: gcloud compute instances stop <instance-name>
  5. Delete instance: gcloud compute instances delete <instance-name>


  • List instances: gcloud compute instances list

*Commands can work with multiple instances by separating instance names by space

GCP Cloud Datalab instance

An easy-to-use interactive tool for data exploration, analysis, visualization, and machine learning via a Jupyter notebook UI. Can be used to build, test, and deploy scalable ML models.

  1. Install datalab component for the gcloud CLI: gcloud components install datalab
  2. Create Cloud Datalab instance: datalab create <instance-name>
  3. Open the Cloud Datalab home page in your browser: http://localhost:8081
  4. Copying notebooks from the Cloud Datalab VM: gcloud compute scp --recurse datalab@<instance-name>:/mnt/disks/datalab-pd/content/datalab/notebooks <local-directory-path>
  5. Delete instance
    • Delete instance and storage disk: datalab delete --delete-disk <instance-name>
    • Delete the datalab-notebooks Cloud Source Repository, which is set up for you to store your notebooks: gcloud source repos delete datalab-notebooks
    • Delete the datalab-network Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network, to which Datalab instances are connected by default: gcloud compute networks delete datalab-network
